Saturday, November 26, 2011

5 Most Venomous Animals in The World

There are hundreds of animals can easily kill you. Some of them can kill you with their massive power or their special weapon like claws or jaws. But on the list below, is animals that use venom to hurt or kill their preys or potential predators - like people! Here's the list of world's 5 most venomous animals.

5. The Stonefish

5 most venomous animals - the stonefish

The Stonefish is considered as most venomous fish in the world. The venom causes such a severe pain that some victims who’ve been stung have wanted the limb amputated. Its venom can cause shock, paralysis, and tissue death. If not treated within a few hours, it can be fatal to the victims. The venom is located on its dorsal fins. Stonefish mostly live in the Indian and Pacific oceans.

4. The Blue-Ringed Octopus

5 most venomous animals - blue-ringed octopus

The Blue-Ringed Octopus is very small but its venom can kill you. This tiny and beautifully colored octopus carries enough venom to kill 26 adults in its body. The most dangerous effect of its venom is respiratory failure. If you’re stung by the octopus, you’re probably going to need rescue breathing until you can start to breathe on your own, which might not be for several hours.

3. Inland Taipan

5 most venomous animals - inland taipan

The Inland Taipan or Fierce snake is the world’s most venomous snake. Its single bite contains enough venom to kill up to 100 adults. Not only deadly, the inland taipan also is a quick killer too. It can kill in less than 45 minutes. Fortunately, the snake is particularly timid; it won’t bite if left alone. No fatalities have ever been recorded.

2. Brazilian Wandering Spider

5 most venomous animals - brazilian wandering spider

The Brazilian Wandering Spider is the most venomous spider in the world. There are several reasons why this spider really creepy. First one, it's fierce. Not like some wimpy spider that will run away at the first sign of human, this spider will attack anyone or anything it sees as threatening. Second, they have wandering nature rather than live in a particular web or tree. You can image how many people get bitten by this aggressive and wandering spider in highly populated areas.
The venom itself is reportedly as one of the most painful venom in existence. It contains high concentration of serotonin in the venom. Not only intense pain, the venom can also cause priapism, an erection that won't go away and might actually cause impotence.

1. The Box Jellyfish

5 most venomous animals - box jellyfish

And the winner for the world's most venomous animal is The Box Jellyfish. Tiny nematocysts on the box jellyfish's tentacles contain powerful venom and stick to its victims. The box jellyfish venom is so painful that there are several reports of victims who passed out from the pain but kept screaming long after losing consciousness. It has caused at least 5.500 recorded deaths since 1884. If you're ever stung by one of this jellyfish, you may have chance to survive. Vinegar could possibly save you. Vinegar has acetic acid which prevents venom releasing into the bloodstream and should be applied to affected areas and remaining tentacles immediately. The best thing to avoid stings, besides not to swimming in box jellyfish infested waters, is to wear pantyhose.  Pantyhose will prevent the stingers from attaching to your skin and hurt you.

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