Saturday, July 16, 2011

Wreckies of the Month

Every week we're delighted to receive plenty of your cakey homages, wreck-creations, and fan art. And, from time to time, I like to both encourage this behavior and share the giggles by spotlighting a few personal favorites. So let's get right to it, shall we?

First, a nod to Katherine S. for her version of the world's best baby shower cake:

Let us all pause in appreciation of proper parenting, shall we?

Carmel C. went the extra mile with her Carrot Jockey homage and eschewed the plastic jockeys for handmade ones:

And somehow that is much, MUCH more disturbing.

I think I like it.

Amber A. celebrated her three-year-old daughter's birthday the old-school way:

With Dino Jockeys!

Usually I only showcase cakey homages to this blog, but Sarah Jane J.'s recreation of the famous cake from Hyperbole and a Half was simply too good not to share:

And for those of you unfamiliar with Allie of Hyperbole and a Half - first, shame on you! - and secondly, here's the cake we're talking about:

Next, from our very own J Rose - the genius who brought you that playable dress-a-wreck program - here is yours truly, dressed as a Hogwarts student, and getting a Howler from an irate wizard for making fun of cauldron cakes:

(Ten geek points if you spotted the hidden Mickey before reading this sentence. Five after.)

And because I like to remind the world that I am, in fact, a stellar role model for children, here's a sampling of artwork made entirely with child labor:

First, 12-year-old Chloe made this birthday card for her mom, Regina:

The bottom reads, "We dyed our mohawks green in honor of your birthday!" and the inside read, "Hope your birthday isn't a wreck!"

Someone get this girl to design us a greeting card line, STAT.

Next, a fine art piece brought home from school by 5-year-old Claudia S., and sent in by her mom, Susan:

Thinking of little Claudia's teacher's reaction to this masterpiece makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

Now, you may be thinking that a five-year-old must surely - SURELY - be my youngest fan.

Au contraire, my misinformed friend!


My friends, this nameless girl baby is YOUR NEW MASTER. Bow down in fealty!!

Or maybe just say how cute she is in the comments.

That works, too.

And for those of you desperate for back story, Colleen T. says,

"Ever since my mother-in-law pointed out that my baby has a natural Mohawk, I’ve been dying to strip her down and sit her on a carrot. The other day, I got my wish!"

Your wish, and a billion others, Colleen. Well done.

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