Wednesday, March 2, 2011

42 Facts about Cat

    42 facts about cat
  1. A cat has 230 bones, human only has 206 bones
  2. A domestic cat’s sense of smell is 14 times stronger than a human,
  3. A cat's hearing is more sensitive than human. A cat's hearing range is 45 to 64,000 Hz, compared to 64-23,000 Hz in human.
  4. A cat can do about 100 different vocalizations; while a dog only has 10 vocalizations.
  5. A cat sees six times better in the low light than human.
  6. A cat’s pulse is about 130-240 beats per minute.
  7. The normal cat’s temperature is between 38-39 degrees Celsius.
  8. The cat’s eyes are the largest among any mammal.
  9. The cat's front paw has 5 toes and the back paws have 4.
  10. An adult cat has 30 teeth; 12 incisors, 10 premolars, 4 canines, and 4 molars.
  11. A cat has about 60,000 hairs per square inch on its back and about 120,000 per square inch on its underside.
  12. A cat walks with its toes.
  13. The cat’s tail is used to maintain balance, and a cat with no tail would have a hard time landing on its feet because the tail acts as a counter balance against which the cat can pivot in mid air.
  14. An indoor-only cat has a longer lifespan than an outdoor-only cat. An indoor-only can live 16 years, while an outdoor-only is about 3-5 years.
  15. A cat often eats grass to aid in digestion and to get rid of fur in the stomach.
  16. A cat sleeps for 16 hours per day on average.
  17. Purring doesn’t always indicate that a cat is happy, but also indicate a cat is distressed or in pain.
  18. A cat don’t have true collarbone. Because of this, a cat’s frontal limbs can fold straight inward, allowing a cat to fit through any space large enough for its head to get into.
  19. The speed of a domestic cat can reach 30 mph.
  20. A cat’s gestation is approximately 9 weeks or between 61-70 days from conception to delivery
  21. A cat has 30 vertebrae, more than a human which only has 25 vertebrae.
  22. A cat jumps 5 times their height.
  23. When your cat rubs against you, the cat is marking you with its scent.
  24. The cat’s footpads use to absorb the shocks of landing when a cat jumps.
  25. The domestic cat is the only species that can walk while holding its tail vertically.
  26. A cat lover called ailurophile, the opposite is ailurophobe, a cat hater.
  27. A cat purr at roughly the same velocity of idling diesel engine, around 26 cycles per second.
  28. A cat uses their underside tongue for lapping liquid.
  29. A cat’s urine glows under a black light.
  30. A cat takes 20-40 breaths per minute.
  31. Due to the faulty of sweet receptor gene, a cat can’t taste sweet.
  32. Most cats don’t have eyelashes.
  33. A white cat with blue eye is often prone to deafness.
  34. A cat cannot see directly beneath its nose.
  35. Cow’s milk can give some cat diarrhea.
  36. A cat can get tapeworms from eating mice.
  37. “Tom” is a call for a male cat; “queen” is for a female cat.
  38. Kindle is a call for a group of kittens, while a group of cats called a clowder.
  39. There are about 100 distinct breeds of domestic cat today.
  40. The cat flap was invented by Sir Isaac Newton.
  41. Abraham Lincoln is cat lover. While he lived in the White House, he had four cats.
  42. Napoleon was afraid of cats.

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